Monday, April 23, 2007

Let's talk Mother's Day...

So...Mother's Day is coming up and what better gift than pictures of the children they love? I know my mom, for one, still never gets tired of pictures of us. I know the big day is almost here but I still thought I'd throw a special deal out there. For the next 10 people who book a session and mention this special, I will add a free 8x10 to your order! Also, I am now offering gift certificates for sessions that will come wrapped and ready to give. Just email me at to set up your session!

On a different note, I love these pictures of Emily and Jake. There is something so full of life in these two. I really hope that these pictures can communicate that in some way. This bottom picture kind of makes you think it was a calm afternoon but you'll have to see the rest of the pictures to figure out the whole story on that! I love hanging out with them and never knowing what's going to happen next!

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