Monday, October 08, 2007

the session that almost wasn't...

We worked hard for this one. I'm not sure who worked the hardest but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't me. Our first attempt was in the middle of July. It was thundering as we walked up. About five minutes after we started, the sky let loose and we had to make a run for it (though we did capture the above picture beforehand). It was one of those hard, unrelenting rains, the kind we haven't seen much of lately. Cade and Connor's sweet mama asked me if we could just try again a different day. The hard thing was that we couldn't reschedule until September! It did turn out to be a beautiful day and it gave me another chance to hang out with these really fun and super cute brothers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure am glad you persevered, because these photos are wonderful--these little guys will treasure these pictures when they get older. I love the little guy's serious expression and big brown eyes. Beautiful boys!