Monday, March 24, 2008


Once you start documenting every major event in someone's life, they start to get kind of comfortable with you and your camera. For us as photographers, this is an awesome thing. It means we get to push some boundaries and try some different stuff. We took these pictures on the night of Beth and Raja's wedding reception in downtown Birmingham. I knew that the minute Corey saw their sweet hotel room (I really mean sweet though it did also happen to be a suite...the presidential suite at that), he would be full of all kinds of creative ideas. Beth and Raja looked amazing for the big event and we were so excited to have an impromptu photo session with them. Here are just a couple of pictures from that. Though you may doubt it from these pictures, they actually were really happy to be celebrating their wedding this night. They were just nice enough to appease us with their best serious faces.

1 comment:

Hershbine Family said...

What a tease!!! I want more!!!