Thursday, October 16, 2008

what season is it anyway?

Call me crazy but I love that you can wear sundresses for your pictures for over half of the year. I know it's the middle of October and it's eighty degrees outside. But I like it. It's going to be cold soon enough and I'll have to find some of those gloves that have the fingers cut out so I can still use my hands to work my camera. If you see me wearing those this winter, feel free to call Stacy and Clinton. Anyway, randomness aside, I loved photographing these sweet sisters in their blue dresses. I love it when people aren't afraid to use a little color! The most important thing is that your pictures represent YOU and your family. I hope I captured the laughter and energy of the Norman family. Also, I should probably thank them publicly for the grace that they showed me the day of our session! If you want the story on that adventure, you'll have to ask them!

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