Monday, November 12, 2007

a few things...

Okay, I thought I'd post a quick update and a few things to know with Thanksgiving and Christmas upon us. Can you believe that it will be Thanksgiving next week?

Our furniture is officially in our new house but unfortunately, we are not. Corey's parents are graciously letting us stay there for a few days, which has been great. Hopefully, we will have a functioning kitchen and bathroom by the end of the week! What's bad is that it's much more important to us to have working internet than it is a working kitchen sink! So, Corey is working fervently to make that happen today and I am working fervently to spend my spare hours at local places with free wi-fi to try to respond to all my emails! Keep them coming and I will get back to you today or tomorrow.

For now, here's a slideshow of one of my all-time favorite families, the Kellys.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know about your blog! I have learned a lot since we saw each other on Saturday. We really appreciate you making the trip to Huntsville, especially with all that is going on in your life!

Hershbine Family said...

Hey... you know there is free wi-fi here... and you are not that far away anymore. we are gone all day this week so you could get plenty done. that is if Corey does not get it up today... hopefully that will happen though. Still, our home is always available to you.

Anonymous said...

i really wish i were there to help. i'm sorry i'm not.
