if i had to make a list of the top 5 people who have had an impact on my life and even more specifically, on my marriage, this man would be on the list without question. i know our friends are still haunted by the fact that corey and i were begging (i promise you, begging) everyone we know to go to gordon for premarital counseling because we learned so much and were so so so blessed by our time with him. our marriage has had days so beautiful that i wondered if it were even happening but like everyone, we have walked weary days of arguments, misunderstanding, and the neverending baggage of our own selfishness. our counseling with gordon helped us to understand our marriage in the context of the gospel and we have been impacted by that counsel every day since. having said all of that, i count it pure privilege to have had the opportunity to photograph gordon and his family one day last week. it was the first day of spring break and it was like you could literally feel the gardens stretching for spring and leaving winter behind.
these three girls are really this great. really. they love each other and clearly know each other in a way that is so sincere and real. and seriously, how cute are they?this may be my favorite picture of the day.
but these might be, too. the girls were AWESOME to photograph. complete naturals.